The Art of Wood Joinery
Wood Joinery
is one of the most important knowledge in woodworking. The wood craftsman experts centers attention on materials nature and its traditional techniques of shaping and joining wood
The expertise on wood properties and the ability to predict its behaviour inform not only which species is used for what application or function, but also the design of joints and its processing techniques. Up, a detail of the new recently launched Mars chair by Branca.
Bellow, BARCA CHAIR and its complex wood carved parts in pre-production.
In Portugal, joinery has long been a recurring technique used by traditional craftsman in wood working. The durability of a traditional wood joint is quite high, as it prevents the wood parts from disassembling and by creating an extra force besides the glue that is absorbed by the wood. Since wood is an organic material that moves with humidity and temperature oscillations, traditional joints are the perfect solution to guarantee the product stability as it allows to keep its natural movements.
Besides the visual aspect, that is enhanced by the use of traditional joinery and especially when contrasting woods are used, furniture that uses handmade joinery will complement the aesthetics of a piece.
The Noga Desk is assembled as a mix of the old and the new wood carving and joinery techniques.
Wood working is a core value at Branca Lisboa, and so, we take pride in working with high quality craft producers who combine their handmade skills and latest digital tools to bring to life complex and innovative designs that are the result of an ethical approach on function, ergonomics, structure and surface.